It provides perfect integration of Facebook data with your Android device.
Here are just some examples of what it does:
• High-resolution contact images synchronized from Facebook. (up to 720x720 pixels on Jelly Bean!) Uses face-detection to get the cropping just right.
• Touchable (opens the Facebook App or mobile Facebook site) status updates in Android's "People"-App, complete with like- and comment count; including thumbnails for picture posts and
YouTube videos.
• Synchronization of Facebook Events (including attendee lists!) and/or birthdays into your device's calendar, including (optional) reminders.
To top it off, every feature is highly configurable and can be disabled if unwanted.
Don't like the way HaxSync cropped one of your contact images? Crop it yourself using the Contacts Manager.
Want a different color for your calendars? Feel free to change it!
HaxSync is being actively developed, with new features and bugfixes arriving on a regular basis.
If you have problems/suggestions, please post here instead of giving a bad rating (I can't answer your market ratings, so I can't help you with your problem):
If you're wondering about the permissions HaxSync uses and what it needs them for, take a look here:
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