AppMonster Pro Backup Restore v3.3.4

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AppMonster is an application manager for Android smartphones and tablets, that provides anything regarding installed Android Apps (like backup, restore, manage), by simple and powerful user interface.
* The very first App Manager for Android, since 03. March 2009 on the Market.
* ROOT Support
* Languages: English, Japanese, German, Spanish, Russian, Polish

With AppMonster you can easily manage, backup and restore your apps. Enjoy features like batch backup, batch restore, uninstall, install from SD card, share and much more. Simple, fast, easy to use, stable.
Let the AppMonster support you after phone reset or switch to a new phone.
It does not need ROOT, all features like backup, restore and other work without ROOT. But if you have ROOT on your phone or tablet, you get more features.
Backup apps:
- Backup protected apps (ROOT)
- Silent 0-click batch restore (ROOT)
- Automatic backup on new app installations, you have always app backups
- Multiple version backup, you can always downgrade any app
- Backup apps to SD card
- Restore apps from SD card
- Backup/restore install-files (.apk) or Market-Links
- Batch restore from SD card or from Market
- Batch delete backups
Manage apps:
- Quick uninstalling
- Batch uninstall with 1-Click (ROOT)
- Search in apps and backups
- Sort your apps by install-date, name, size...
- Display apps with Ads (AdMob)
- Display apps can be moved to SD card
- Display apps are protected
- Display apps with background service
and more:
- Access to extended options like APP2SD, cache, permissions
- Scan SD card for install-files (.apk-files)
- Share app-links via Facebook, Twitter, mail
- Send backed up apps (.apk-files) by mail, Dropbox or what ever

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